Boston, MA

Boston, MA
The End... for now

Monday 26 September 2011

51 days over 100 degrees fahreinheit

As you will have seen from the photos, there are long straight roads, lots of grain towers, in every small town, huge farm equipment, definately where John Deere made his money, and even a wind farm for good measure. Corn, maize, sunflowers, cattle, feed yards, and small oil wells. There are small oil pups in the fields, with large tanks beside them pumping the oil out of the ground. I could do with one of them behind the shed at home. Some of them are very small, and the oil gets collected then by the tankers and taken off for refining. Moved an hour closer passing the time line in Wichita county, KA in the middle of the All-Ireland actually.
It was only really flat for a couple of days, before a few low hills started to be seen in the eastern end of the state. Also got greener towards that end, as the west is very dry from the rockies sucking all the moisture out of the air from the pacific.
Have to say though, the people were great in Kansas. Maybe i was also just enjoying the flats for a change, but they all salute driving by and were full of questions everywhere you go about the trip. It was also the first state where there was not a load of 'For Sale' signs up. All through the other states there had been a lot of property for sale along the way, but in Kansas, only very few were moving out. I did speak to a few who had come from Colorado or more mountainous states and they were only wishing to see a few mountains again.
There was also the carnage on the roads passing through there. The grasshoppers are everywhere. As you peddle along is all you hear is them jumping out of your way, or the whizzz when they go through the spokes. The gravel tracks are not the most comfortable to be riding on, or the best for the bike. I was trying to hang onto the few fillings i have in my teeth by the end of it.
I was talking to a fireman who was telling me up until a couple of weeks ago, they had gotten 51 days over 100degrees. I would have been like a crisp coming out the other side. Apparently some people quit had the cycle because of it. When it gets into the 90's that's hot, nevermind anything over. And apparently many of those days were up around 105 - over 110. So the only person hoping he didn't get p*#@ed (poured that is) on in Kansas was me. As one woman said " i hope you don't get wet, but i'm praying for rain".

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