Boston, MA

Boston, MA
The End... for now

Monday 26 September 2011

Nobody warned me about the Ozarks

The terrain was beginning to get a little more undulating towards the east of Kansas, and a few people had mentioned the hills in Missouri, but after the peaks and then the flats, i wasn't really expecting it to be too bad. The last three days has only been up and down. The frequency of the hills in the Ozarks, has to be one of the greatest interval training sessions i have come across. The height may not be extreme, but you're not at the top of one, when you get a short reprieve, and are back at it again to ensure you get to the top of the next. Add into this a few vicious looking dogs nipping at your heals and it makes for tough terrain.You'd almost feel a bit claustrophobic, wondering where is the end of them. I must have been looking strained one evening as a stranger passing by gave me a bottle of gatorade out the window of his truck to help me along, and a bit of sugar was much appreciated at the time.
Met plenty more cyclists heading west. Met six in one day, all scattering before the winter in the east.Great here in towns where you can put up the tent for a night in the local town park, and nobody goes near it.

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